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Pollen Count in Nottingham

If a high pollen count in Nottingham leaves you sneezing and with a runny nose, you’re not alone. One in five people are affected by hay fever at some stage of their life. Trees, grasses, and weeds all create pollen as part of their reproductive cycle. And with roughly 30 varieties contributing to the pollen count in Nottingham and across the UK, it’s possible to be allergic to more than one type of pollen.

If you’re living with hay fever, then spring and summer can be uncomfortable. We’ve put together some advice for managing your allergies and tips on how to get the most out of your summer in Nottingham without worrying about pollen. For daily updates on Nottingham’s pollen count, sign up to our Pollen Alerts.

Pollen Hotspots in Nottingham

Different plants create different pollens and release them at different times. Unfortunately, if you’re allergic to more than one type of pollen, you can experience hay fever throughout the year.

The majority of people with hay fever are allergic to grass pollen, which is common in late spring and early summer. Tree pollen, on the other hand, tends to be released in spring, and has been known to affect a quarter of all hay fever sufferers. If you’re allergic to weed pollen, you can expect allergy symptoms from spring through to late autumn.

When pollen is at its peak, some areas of Nottingham will have higher pollen counts than others. Obvious hotspots will include outdoor spaces with plenty of greenery. Nottingham’s Sherwood Forest, for example, is a popular attraction, but could prove to be a difficult day out for those with hay fever. Likewise, the Arboretum and Wollaton Hall may trigger allergy symptoms during your visit if the pollen count in Nottingham is high.

Hay Fever-Friendly Activities in Nottingham

As wonderful as Nottingham is in the winter, staying inside until it gets cold and pollen count is low isn’t your only option. If grass pollen is the cause of your symptoms, the best time to be outside will be from mid-morning until around 4pm. While the air won’t be pollen-free, it will be lower than other times of the day. If you’re allergic to tree pollen, you should find your symptoms lessen at night, regardless of Nottingham’s pollen count.

Generally, the best location if Nottingham’s pollen count is high is either indoors, or in open spaces where wind can blow freely. Coastal regions tend to be best, though landlocked Nottingham doesn’t provide much escape in this regard. However, water in general is likely to be beneficial for those with hay fever. Consider either indoor or outdoor swimming and other water sports.

Indoor activities can be just as fun and can make it much easier to control your hay fever symptoms. Nottingham has a great selection of indoor attractions, including the following:

  • Go underground!:  Nottingham is famous for the cave systems carved into the sandstone beneath the city. Explore caverns that served as medieval tanneries, 19th-century slums, and World War II air raid shelters.

  • Uncover Nottingham’s history:  Nottingham has plenty of exciting museums that you can enjoy while indoors. With museums covering a wide range of topics, from justice to hauntings, you’re guaranteed to learn something new in this captivating city.

  • Travel the world from your cinema seat:  Big screen blockbusters can transport you from the jungle to the Alps, all without the threat of pollen getting in the way.

Managing Allergies in Nottingham

While hay fever doesn’t have a cure and is unpreventable, thankfully, it’s possible to manage allergies when the pollen count in Nottingham is high. For many, antihistamines are an effective way of alleviating symptoms. Antihistamine products like BENADRYL® Allergy Relief can provide fast-acting allergy relief in just 15 minutes.

There are also other steps you can take to help minimise the impact of hay fever. For example, wraparound sunglasses can be effective at keeping pollen out of your eyes. Changing your clothes after you’ve been outside can also help reduce the pollen on your person. Generally speaking, keeping windows shut and doors closed and regularly hoovering and dusting can help prevent pollen from getting into home.

You can learn more about managing your allergies in our dedicated guide.